Discover New Cuisine, Culture and Camaraderie: Greece 2019. Yamas!
Time sure flies! Pictured to the right, are fellow registered dietitians and I during our 2010 Food & Culinary Professionals (FPC) cooking tour of Greece.
I will be heading back September 8-14 of 2019 for cooking classes and food tours at Diane Kochila’s beautiful estate in Ikaria!
Spots are still open. Who wants to join in on the delicious and educational journey to this beautiful Blue Zone island?
Can’t make the September 2019 trip to Greece? No worries, a wellness trip for 2020 is in the works!
Dietitians, we will be offering continuing education credits for this week of harvesting, cooking, hiking, dancing and socializing!

2010 Food & Culinary Professionals (FPC)
Diane is the
Real Greek Deal!
I am happy to call her a friend, meet award-winning cookbook author, television personality, consulting chef, teacher and one of the world’s foremost authorities on Greek cuisine, Diane Kochilas!

One of my favorite Greek dishes, fresh anchovies with garlic and herbs!
Japan is a truly timeless place where ancient traditions are integrated with modern life in a natural manner.